10G HW

Read the narrative essay “Death of a Pig” by E. B. White and comment on this post with your response (5-7 sentences). You may consider the following questions when you comment: What is the story about? What are your thoughts on this story? The narrator considers the events that conspire as a tragedy. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Remember that there are no right or wrong answer here! I only want you to share your thoughts and opinions.

31 thoughts on “10G HW

  1. This essay “the death of a pig “ tells a story about a mans unsuccessful attempt to save a pig from suffering a fatal sickness . This story is an interesting story that you don’t hear every day it teaches you the effects of not being responsible and it teaches you Loss and failure . I don’t consider the events that conspired a tragedy because it’s just a pig and it’s practically his fault the pig died because he didn’t take good care of him it’s on him . And also everyone loses somebody he just lost a pig he’ll get over it .


  2. This essay ” The Death of a pig tell the story is about a man who is happiness to save the pig from sickness from away death. My thoughts about the story even through many times sadness has teaches the pigs has lost and to keep them raising a pig. I disagree the consider the events the conspired a tragedy which is led pigs as different from him, in this respect, but cannot. Because he feel like nothing has life behind him , bad ways not taken care them. And feeling has no choice the pigs serious dying.


  3. In all honesty this is a rather unique story as the man who bought the pig for slaughter grew fond of him to the point where he expresses love for the pig. Despite the narrator’s efforts in attempt to save the pig, its fate is death and it is quite a sad moment for the narrator. It affects him to a great extent because he grows sad, quiet, and isolated after the pig’s death. I do think that this is a tragedy in its own way as the narrator has felt great amounts of pain from this loss and was afflicted with the truth that the pig was much more than just a meal, it was something special to him. As tragedy is defined as an event causing great suffering, and this tale of the man and his beloved pig is indeed a tragedy as it caused him much distress and agony.


  4. E. B. White’s “Death of a Pig” is essentially about a man and his unsuccessful and futile attempt(s) to save his pig from death. I personally find the hidden moral here is to understand that some things will be inevitable, no matter how hard it is to try and change/avoid it. I don’t necessarily find the following events to be considered a tragedy. There doesn’t seem to be enough development for the reader to properly understand and/or relate to the feeling of, “this (person/animal/object of interest) means a lot to me.” Had there been more emphasis, and a more expressive development between the man and the pig, then perhaps I would consider it a tragedy. Of course, I can tell he’s upset the pig has died, but that moment in itself feels incomplete and missing an aspect of guilt and forlorn emotion, making it hard to really relate to the man or understand how much it affects him.


  5. “Death of a Pig” is a story about a farmer who raises pigs throughout the seasons so that he can slaughter them in the winter, but eventually one of his pigs falls ill and he ends up building a connection with the pig while looking after him. In the essay, White mentions “He had evidently become precious to me, not that he represented a distant nourishment in a hungry time, but that he had suffered in a suffering world.” He had realized his pig was suffering from an illness, and even after getting advice on how to treat the pig, he had delayed looking after him until it got very serious. I thought the story was very odd because the way the narrator was too symbolic when describing his connection to the pig. I disagree with the fact that the pig’s death was considered a tragedy because it was the narrator’s fault the pig was in the condition he was in. The farmer was very neglecting and irresponsible when it came to looking after the pig, and he delayed treating the pig various times. I feel like the pig’s death might be a tragedy to him and to people in his town, but when people who don’t know the feeling of raising a animal read the essay, they will not see the event as a tragedy.


  6. this essay “The Death of a pig is a story bout how the narrator is so attached to the pig wh the pig gets sick he gets worried and in the end when the pig dies the author shows an emotional relationship between the pig and the narrator. I disagree that considers the events that conspire as a tragedy because its the narrator fault the pig got sick he didnt give enough care to the pig.(this is probably the worst comment you’ll ever read)


  7. In the essay “Death of a pig” by EB white, he develops a relationship with a pig and becomes attached with endless love.The pig at the end however gets sick and White fails to attempt to cure him.The essay shows the importance of responsibility by taking care of the pig and shows sadness, love and fear. However i do disagree that this event was a tragedy although it may be tragic to him cause he was so close to the pig. I believe everyone dies and animals are made to sacrifice and humanity shouldn’t feel bad about death of animals.Also, since he was a pig farmer he should understand that and should cherish the pigs life while he’s still living.


  8. “Death of a pig” by EB White is an essay about a man who develops feelings for a pig who he is eventually going to slaughter. However, as he is preparing the pig he notices it is rather sickly. While the narrator takes care of the pig and does everything he can to ensure it’s survival, he realizes he loves the pig and can’t bear to watch it suffer. Despite his best intentions the pig dies and the narrator suffers a great loss. Honestly this story was really weird in my opinion and most certainly not a tragedy. If anything it’s hypocritical as the farmer has killed many pigs before so why does he care so much about one sickly pig?


  9. This essay “The Death Of A Pig” tells us a story about a man trying to help his pig with fatal sickness. Sadly the man doesn’t succeed to save his pig from suffrage. The man blames himself for his pigs death. This story is really unusual, because well a man is blaming himself that his pig died is kinda strange. (Because like people be eating pigs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all day everyday) I would kinda recommended this because the story is really weird, but interesting at the same time. The man really shouldn’t be accusing himself.


  10. The following excerpt entails the story of a man who struggles to take care of a a sickened pig that he plans to consume but Later ironically grows to feel for the pig. The story seems to be rather interesting because it’s nuance way of portraying a theme may be rather uncommon but also more consuming to the reader. I don’t agree the the pigs death was a tragedy because authors put their mark in every story for a reason whether it be to show a message or for the interest of the reader.


  11. The essay “the death of a pig” by EB white is a story about a farmer who raises pigs throughout the seasons but ends up slaughtering them in the winter however, one of his pigs becomes ill and he starts to establish a relationship with the pig while trying to save him but sadly the pig doesn’t make it. in my opinion the story has a positive message and shows how people react differently during different situations.


  12. E.B. White’s “Death of a Pig” tells the story of his unsuccessful attempt to save a pig from suffering a fatal illness.This story made me go through numerous different emotions. In the beginning he bought the pig so he can grow and then be slaughtered to be eaten, which made me both upset and devastated. However, he becomes attached to the pig and loved him like he was his child which made me feel happy. I definitely think the events that happened were sad, but I do not think they should be said as a “tragedy”,that’s a bit dramatic. Eventhough violence may have blinded his emotions by him not realizing his own morality, he did emotionally connect to the pig and cherished the moments he had with it. Honestly through out the entire essay, I had to keep convincing myself that we were talking about a pig.


  13. “Death of a pig” by EB white, is a story about a farmer who develops a special attachment to one of his pigs however, one day the pig gets sick and he isn’t sure how to cure him. As the story progresses we see a growing connection between the two characters which further establishes the central idea of the story which is baised primarily on love and a mans failure to cure his pig. Sadly, the pig eventually dies which is a very tragic moment for the farmer because he sincerely loved the pig and his passing has caused him deep distress. Although people may disagree I on the other hand agree with the narrarator that the events that conspired was a tragedy.


  14. The short narrative “Death of a Pig” is mainly about a farmer who is upset about not being able to save a sickly pig from dying. The farmer for some unclear reason becomes attached to a pig that is really sick. Even though the farmer tried to save him, inevitably his pig died. I do not find this story a tragedy because while people may become affectionate towards animals these animals are usually not the one we eat. For example, people love cats and dogs and other exotic animals but not really cows or chickens. Especially if you happen to consume these animals. The farmer’s affection for the pig seems a bit misplaced and is overall exaggerated.


  15. “death of a pig” by EB White is an essay about a man who is going to kill a pig who he later starts to develop feelings for. while he’s preparing the pig, he notices it’s starting to get ill. while he is taking care of the pig and does everything he can to make sure he gets well, he realizes he loves the pig and can’t watch it suffer. later on the pig dies and the narrator goes through a hardship towards the pigs death. in my opinion, this essay was kinda hypocritical in a way and wasn’t a tragedy. i think it’s hypocritical because it doesn’t make sense how he can kill any other pig in the farm but not kill that one.


  16. This story written by E.B White is about a man who cares so much and gets attached to his pig. The pig was thought to have a deadly diesease,but of course the narrator doesn’t want the pig to suffer yet he can’t bare to see him die. Eventually, the pig dies in front of the narrator’s house. The narrator now feels lonely and depressed without his pig. To be honest, this story was very detailed for no reason, it’s simply about a man who suffers the loss of his pig. Personally, I wouldn’t regard this story as a tragedy at all because the pig is just like any other farm animal and can’t have humans developing feelings for it. The narrator’s love for his pig is developed very dramatically in the story.


  17. E.B. White’s essay “Death of a pig” is about a man who develops feelings and affection for a pig who was going to be slaughtered but soon finds out it had an illness. He takes care of the pig and does anything to help it get better. But in the end the pig dies and White takes it really hard. I wouldn’t consider this a tragedy but rather exaggerated because it was obvious the pig was growing ill and wouldn’t make it.


  18. “Death of a pig” by E.B White is a short story about a man who develops a connection with one of his pigs that is sick . The man slaughters pigs for a living . But one day he notices that one of his pigs hasn’t come to eat and is indeed sick. The man soon tries to cure this sick pig but his attempts don’t work out as planned and the pig dies. I personally think this story has a very unique message , a rather interesting one . Sometimes we may look at certain things in life with little importance and forget to cherish the simplest things . I do think this was a tragedy because to us we may perceive this to be just a pig . However sometimes it’s not about what shape or form life comes in but it’s the bond that you develop or build with it . So that’s why I believe that loss of something you connected to is a tragedy in itself and it doesn’t matter what animal or being it is.


  19. E.B. White’s essay tells the story of his unsuccessful attempt to save a pig suffering a fatal illness.He first bought the pig to grow and then to be slaughtered for bacon and ham. However, instead, he became attached to the pig and loved him like was his child. I think the story is quite fascinating and as well interesting of how a man can have such a close bond with something he was meant to kill. At the same time, I do find this story to be rather odd on how he doesn’t tend to the pig after knowing he was ill but after things got serious he started to care more. I do believe this was a tragedy for the narrator to go through since after all he did love the pig as if he was his own child and to lose someone like that is quite heartbreaking.


  20. The short story ”Death of a Pig” by E.B. White is concerning a man who routinely butchers pigs but this time, he actually becomes very attentive of a pig he’s preparing to kill. The pig gets ill and the man finds himself ”catching feelings” for him. He starts to attend to him and attempt to cure him, getting many people involved with the pig. I feel this is probable to happen and is not unusual as people tend to grow caring of all types of animals. The man describes this a tragedy which is not theatrical to me because I feel like you can take an animals loss as hard as a humans loss. But, still the man did kill many other pigs and all of a sudden he’s very concerned with this specific one, so that’s a bit contemptible to the other animals, which I feel is a little weird.


  21. The short story ” Death of a Pig”, is about a man who lives in a small town and works as a pig farmer. But, instead of slaughtering the pigs , like he would usually do, he had grown attached to this particular pig and treated it like it was his own child. The author then talks about how the pig had missed a meal and fallen ill. This had lead to the pigs death. He had an emotional relationship with this pig and was really upset and shaken with his death. The pigs death had also made him think about how his death was slowly approaching him too and that there would be no way to beat it. This story has an unusual way of relaying a common message which is to cherish what you have in this life because before you know it, it will be gone. In my opinion I think the farmers love for this particular pig is exaggerated, especially since he slaughters them for a living.


  22. Although the death of the pig seems dramatic, from a symbolic point of view, the pig can represent the orderliness of the man’s life in varying contexts. The man take responsibility and finds pride in raising and grooming the pigs until it is time to butcher them. He says, “From the lustiness of a healthy pig a man derives a feeling of personal lustiness; the stuff that goes into the trough and is received with such enthusiasm is an earnest of some later feast of his own, and when this suddenly comes to an end and the food lies stale and untouched, souring in the sun, the pig’s imbalance becomes the man’s, vicariously, and life seems insecure, displaced, transitory”. This also illustrates the selfish motive he has for healing the pig which is masked in his implication of necessary “balance”.
    He also seems to be slightly obsessed with his “scheme” and needs things to be followed out a certain way. The pig being butchered (following his scheme) and the pig dying out of illness (considered disorderliness) are two very different things to him. He says,“The awakening had been violent and I minded it all the more because I knew that what could be true of my pig could be true also of the rest of my tidy world. I tried to put this distasteful idea from me, but it kept recurring”. The pig seems to represent the control he has which correlates to orderliness. The death of his pig is proof to him that not everything is under his control.
    Thinking about it from the author’s point of view, where the pig represents more than just a pig, this story is a tragedy.


  23. E.B White’s essay “The Death of a Pig” discusses the story of a farmer and his failed attempt at saving a pig. The story is quite interesting as the author presents his central idea through irony. In the text, the narrator considers the events that occur, to be a tragedy. I, however, believe this should not be considered a tragedy because the narrator had already planned to kill the pig for food, as he does so with every other pig in the winter.


  24. In “Death of a Pig” by E.B White, a man who is a pig farmer goes through the cycle of nurturing pigs for a certain time period before “butchering [them] when the solid cold weather arrives” (p2). Although a man of his profession is expected to have a clear conscience and become accustomed to this routine, the pig farmer grows extremely close to one pig in particular. This pig gradually grew ill, and caught special attention from the man, which was the key factor of creating the bond between the two. The man went to unusually great lengths to save the pig, who was inevitably going to die. While this may seem absurd, their connection can be understood by the fact that “the loss [h]e felt was not the loss of ham but the loss of pig” (p3). The pig clearly symbolized more than mere livestock. The man believed that “what could be true of [his] pig could be true also of the rest of [his] tidy world” (p26). The effect that the death of the pig had on the farmer was tremendous, and can most certainly be seen as exaggerated. However, I believe tragedy is defined differently by each person and just because we are unable to understand his loss, doesn’t mean that we can claim he didn’t face one.


  25. In the essay, “death of a pig”, it is about a fsarmer tgat has a very strong friendship and connection to the pig. However,the farmer fails to be responsible and the pig unfortunately dies of sickness. I do not agree with it be a “tragedy” because it seems rather unusual for a man and a animal that is used as food to have such a deep friendship. Also it was the farmer fault for failing to care for the pig.


  26. E.B White’s essay “ Death of a Pig” is a fairly emotional story in which a farmer originally gets a big with the intention that it will be slaughtered and eaten later on. As time progresses, the farmer develops great love towards the pig and does the best he can in order to save the sickly pig, however he is unsuccessful. The farmer then suffers great sadness towards the death of the pig. When looking at the dictionary definition of tragedy which is “an event causing great suffering”, the death of the pig would most definitely fit as a tragedy. Personally however, when thinking about the story in comparison of real examples of tragedies that are more common (I.e deaths of family members or house pets) ,the death of a pig who was initially meant to be eaten just does not seem right to be called a tragedy.


  27. The essay “Death of a pig ” by E.B White is about a man who seasonally butchers pigs. One day he comes across one of his pigs suffering from an illness. While attempting to treat it he builds a bond for this pig . Despite his efforts to cure the pig , the pig dies . I think that this story is rather odd yet meaningful . I think that this is not a tragedy because the man from the beginning has killed many pigs before and for him to be very upset over the death of one isn’t very logical .


  28. “Death of a pig” written by E.B White, was an emotional essay written to convey a story about a farmer who hold pigs until they are grown, to later slaughter and eat them. Howver, throughout the story, the author introduces one specific pig who falls ill under the irresponsible care of the farmer. During this sick time period, the farmer develops rich feelings for the pig that later strikes indefinetly whe the pig dies and the farmer suffers a great loss and greif. To consider this event a tragety is debatable in the eyes of readers who understand the story. A tragedy, by dictionary definition, is, “an event that causes great suffering,” which to compare, is what is described in the story E.B White is trying to tell. However, in sensable thought of the reader, they may not think of it as a “tragity” based on what the farmer did, as his loss was a consequence. All in all, to consider a “tragity,” it may be for the narrator, but not the reader them selves.


  29. The narrative essay “ The Death of a Pig” by E.B. White is the story about a man who raises a pig, but he doesn’t eat the pig in the wintertime like other pig owners do. According to the text it states, “… that the play would never regain its balance and that my sympathies were now wholly with the pig.” This indicates that the man doesn’t ever plan on eating his pig, and he just wants to raise the pig. Furthermore, the man acts on the pig as if it were a human child by comparing the gestures he does towards the pig to as if he were doing it to a child. This shows that the man had a deeper bond with the pig, seeing it more than just a pig to be eaten.
    I don’t think this event is a tragedy. In the end, the pig wasn’t meant to be friend with the man. It was suppose to be eaten. Also, everything has an end so for a while the narrator will deal with the sadness of losing his beloved pig, but in due time he’ll get over it. Since he’s human, he will experience many things coming and going from his life, and this gives him the ability to move on and continue his daily life.


  30. “Death of a Pig” by E.B. revolves around how a farmers responsibility for the raising of a pig with the intention of being fattened and slaughtered and put out to eat, yet over time the farmer grew attached and affectionate towards the pig. when the pig had gotten ill and passed away the farmer expressed a great amount of grief as well as sorrow. personally, i believe that tragedies are defined by the individual, meaning that people have their own definition of what they consider a “tragedy” so if the death of this pig caused the farmer to suffer, then it is to be considered a tragedy. in conclusion, the moral of the story is that every soul shall taste death.

    Rayyaan Suleiman 10g1


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